I have a 2021 Isuzu NRR and I lost a lug nut on the front pacific dualies wheel cover, it's a 19.5" tire. Can I just buy a replacement lug nut?
Yes, we offer replacement parts for all of our Pacific Dualies Wheel simulators. The mounting hardware is a 3 pc assembly that includes:
A) Large curved bracket
B) Jam nut
C) Press on style lug nut cover
You can purchase A) The installation curved bracket, B) Jam nut and/or C) Press on lug nut cover depending on what was lost or damaged. To get a quote or purchase replacement parts please fill out our contact form with all your details, including your vehicle details and which parts you need here: https://support.pacificdualies.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and our customer service team will help you with your purchase.
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